The following is the list of quilt categories for the 2025 CAQG Quilt Show.

Quilt entry details and registration are here.

There will also be Special Awards given for exemplary work in various categories.

Quilts or other items that have been entered into previous CAQG Quilt Shows are not eligible to be entered again.

Quilt Entry Rules

  • An online entry form is required for each entered item. The accuracy of the form is the responsibility of the entrant.

  • You must choose only one category for your quilt entry. Entries will not be switched between categories without consultation with entrant.

  • All quilts must be three layers.

  • All quilts must have a sewn-on label on the back lower corner identifying the name of the entrant and name of the quilt.

  • All quilts must have a basted-on sleeve for hanging (of at least 4”). No safety-pinned sleeves will be accepted.

  • Any quilt deemed unfit to hang will be removed from the show (eg. dirty, smelling like smoke, etc.).

  • Maximum size of any quilt entry will be 480” perimeter (120” X 120”/10 feet X 10 feet).

  • Person who quilted the item must be identified on the entry form.

  • The person entering the quilt will be the person who will win the award.

  • Quilts that require special handling will not be entered in the show.

Grand Door Prizes

Sewing Arts Centre - Husqvarna JADE 20 Sewing Machine

Al’s Sewing Machine Repair - Bernina 435 Sewing Machine

Red Deer Sewing Centre & Janome Canada- Janome Horizon MC8200 QCP Sewing Machine

Quilt Entry Categories & Prizes

Please choose the best category to describe your entry.


All Sizes - wallets, retreat bags, purses, backpacks, tote bags, duffle type bags.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Emmaline Bags

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Emmaline Bags

Block of the Month or Sew Along

Any quilt pieced as a result of a group sew along, either on a schedule or not.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: The Empty Bobbin

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by:

Child Specific Quilt

Must be made with the intentions to be given or for a child. Can be any size, but not exceeding the maximum allowable size.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by:

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Auntie Sheila’s Quilting Room

Collaborative Quilt

A quilt top made by a minimum of 4 people. The quilter who assembles/pieces the top is the person who can enter the quilt. All contributors names must be on the sewn-on quilt label and the quilt show label (printed form).

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Flying Eagles Sewing Group

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Knot So Serious Sewing Group

Embroidery, Applique (Machine) or Embellished

Machine embroidery or applique or machine pieced with embellished additions.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Tulips N Quilts

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Theresa’s Threaded Finish

Foundation Paper/Paperless Piecing

Foundation paper-piecing is when the outline of a quilt block is printed on a paper or freezer paper foundation and fabric is sewn together using the outline as a sewing guide.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Klare’s Korner

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by:

Guild Challenge

Theme is ‘A Story You’d Like To Tell’. Maximum size 150” perimeter. After submitting your entry form, you will be contacted by the show committee with instructions on how to submit your written story (150 words).

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Central Alberta Quilters’ Guild


Kwandi, Hand Piecing, English Paper Piecing (EPP), Hand Applique or Hand Embroidery.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Tulips N Quilts

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by:

Household Items

Table runners, place mats, foot stools, potholders, etc.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by:


Modern quilts generally rely less on rules and order; they are often asymmetrical and are made of a minimalist design. Entry into this category is based more on the pattern than the fabric used. Two sub-categories:

Small Quilt - up to 249”

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Klare’s Korner

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Knot So Serious Sewing Group

Large Quilt - 250” or larger

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Purple Katz Quilting

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Country Register

Original Design

Pattern must be of the maker’s original design. Improvisational, Art Quilts, etc.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Beaver Creek Mercantile

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Theresa’s Threaded Finish

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Recycled fabrics/quilts (doilies, denim jeans, found and finished), Memorial Quilts, scrap quilts, T-shirt Quilts.

  • $100 sponsored by: Tracey Christiansen

Traditional Quilt

Simple or complex quilt; usually made up of many repetitions of the same block or orderly rows.

Small Quilt - up to 249”

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Marie Hansen

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Country Register

Large Quilt - 250” or larger

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Never Done Quilting

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by: Never Done Quilting

Wall Hangings

These are quilts made to hang on a wall for display. They can be of any size within the maximum allowable, and made using any style of quilting.

  • First Place $100 sponsored by: Quilters’ Palette

  • Second Place $50 sponsored by:


Quilted wearable items such as jackets, vests, etc.

  • $100 sponsored by: Country Register

Ann Barlow Youth Quilting Awards

This category is for any quilter under the age of 18. All quilts are critiqued and ribbons are awarded to all entries.

Special Awards

Best in Show

Judges will award to the best of all first place entries in each category. The second place quilt within the category is then moved to first place in that category.

  • $200 sponsored by: Beaver Creek Mercantile

Domestic Machine Quilting

  • $100 sponsored by: Country Register

Hand Quilting

Must be at least 80% done by hand.

  • $100 sponsored by: Prairie Points Quilt Shop

Judge’s Choice (3 ribbons)

Each judge will be able to name their own Judge’s Choice Award.

Long Arm Machine Quilting

Computer Driven Design

  • $100 sponsored by: Finely Quilted

Free Hand Driven Design

  • $100 sponsored by: Finely Quilted

Precision Pieced

  • $100 sponsored by:

Viewers’ Choice

The Viewers’ Choice quilt is voted by the Quilt Show Attendees.  The quilt with the greatest number of ballots is the winner.  The winner of the ribbon is invited to post a picture of their quilt on the CQA website and to enter the quilt for display at the Guild Rosette Invitational Show at Quilt Canada.  

  • Ribbon Sponsored by Canadian Quilters’ Association